Secure Remote Access

Over recent years businesses have had to adapt and provide flexible working for all their employees.

Having a mobile workforce also demands that no matter where an employee is they need to have access to the company network. The result is that digital assets and business data needs to be easily accessible but also fully protected from security risks.

This is why secure remote access is so important. Through a central management platform it can provide individual users with access to everything they need, whilst also ensuring security protection protocol is maintained to the highest possible level.

Two Factor Authentication

To ensure only verified users can access company data two factor authentication can be deployed. This will require a user to deploy strict access measures which will require both a password and a unique authentication code.

Endpoint Security

Deploying endpoint security is another positive with secure remote access. Basically it will enable antivirus solutions on the endpoints or entry points for the devices (PC’s, desktops, laptops, mobiles) of the end users.

Virtual Private Network

Employees might not always be in a position to use a secure wi-fi connection. Therefore using a virtual private network (VPN) can help eliminate any security risks and enable secure access to relevant business information.

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